Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is It Enough?

The roller coasters no longer have height limitations
and seem to be absent of loopty-loops.
They have higher heights and
rage into deeper valleys.
I stand back wondering how to go about
fixing these magnificent waves of turmoil,
but it is not my own to freely go about banging,
checking weak areas,
tightening loose joints,
applying more oil
and wiping away condensation.

Carrying heavy loads suggests
we use our knees, not our backs.
So I pray without ceasing,
for those that don't,
for those that cease,
for those that lay down.
There is conditioning required
when more weight is added
to prevent injury.
My conditions lack.

I want to have the answer.
I want to apply the salve.
I speak to the Balm,
Lord please...
So I remember,
"To whom much is given..."
I wait for assistance.

And sometimes prayer is all we've got- all that I've got.

Remove the sickness.
Let Your will be done.
Encamp Your angels all around.
Forgive us.
Mend the broken heart.
Show her what she's worth.
Give him refuge.
If she WANTS to believe, let me be more like you, with more of you in me.

Believing it is already done.

1 comment:

  1. Kell, you never cease to amaze me - so spiritual and profound!
