Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Living In the Space We Create

It's been a while, so I actually put this on my To Do List today.

I'm not perfect. Yes, I know this.  I'm not greater than, better than, more important, less of a problem, first of all, and I am sure that more often than not, my science/math is flawed, but I roll with it.  I'm not bashing myself or being hard on myself, but my point is that there is only me in this world of mine.  I look around and I see how things happen in other people's worlds or how things I've been waiting on for myself seem to fly right by me and land in the next person's lap.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  This is me relating to those that might choose to read this.

Most recently I had a conversation with someone that had become frustrated about life "happening" for those that seem to not deserve it.  In short, I responded that they did the work and made life happen in their favor.  We can all do that.  (This is the completely watered down version...I went on and on for a good 10-15mins!)

When I say that there is only me in my world, I am simply saying that the behaviors I practice, the opportunities I take advantage of, or not, and how I choose to be a part of other people's lives, is independent of what anyone else is doing or who they are.  Every action has a reaction and we all know this.  Everyday, my mission is to move forward and seek out the ways of how I believe I can be better.  I can't do what you do or what anyone else did to be a better me, because your functions aren't my own.  Now, I can become a better me by taking notes on other people's lessons or practices, but that doesn't mean I do it how they did it.  As far as I'm concerned, the best version of me is the fine tuned and sharpened me.  I've made enough mistakes, had enough losses, broken enough hearts (including my own), and fallen flat on my face out of pride and being stubborn to know what WILL NOT work for ME.

Sometimes we just need to reflect on when we were at our best, or figure out what our best is for us, no one else.  There is only failure in not trying or refusing to show up for your part.  So show up already.  Do something that makes you happy.  Work on something all the way through and finish it!  Take a moment from this vast space and overwhelming view of the worlds around you and focus on your's.  You know how it operates, what the catalysts are and how to get the best results.  Do it already.  I support that.